Tuesday, December 04, 2007

NIE on Iran: A Left Wing Conspiracy

Once again, the “Intelligence Community” has proven that they are not intelligent at all, and the term is an oxymoronic one. What's more, they have now become pawns for our own Iran appeasers. You know, the usual suspects, the border-line pro-Islamist Democrats (Barrack Hussein Obama with his grand sleeping-with-the-enemy fantasies when he becomes President, Kerry who has a soft spot in his heart for the Euro-mullah Khatami/“Reformists” in Iran; etc. Furthermore, the "Intelligence Community" has now also become pawns for the Administration's own Iran-Appeasers and "Grand Bargain" advocates (the likes of the grand foreign policy screw-upper Condi et al., Robert Gates the sentimentally reluctant Defense Minister, Admiral Fallon who actually promotes doing nothing militarily against Iran, etc.)

In the style of Hillary, it should be said that it is indeed a vast “Intelligence Community/Iran Appeasers” Left Wing conspiracy.

But it is not as important that the NIE report on Iran is a total farce. It is.
What is more important is that it already has damaged further an already weak Iran policy that was on the verge of collapse anyway. And that’s no matter how the President tries to spin it the other way in his news conferences. It shows again this administration’s failed Iran policy. That's what happens when one lets go of the helm to Condi et al.

And so Tehran wins another round again.


Blogger Winston said...

Iranian regime media outlets r so happy they cant hide it. I am confident this was aimed to make Bush look bad!

2:50 PM  

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