So-called Student Protests in Iran
Do people of Iran deserve the democracy they once had during Dr. Mossadegh's premiership in the late 40s to early 1950s? Definitely, yes.
But do not confuse these "student protests" with the real thing. These student organizations are committed to preserving the Islamist regime of Tehran minus Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. Ask any of these “protesting students”, and they will tell you that they will be perfectly happy if a Khatami, or a Rafsanjani came back to power. That is ALL they have been commissioned to do by the Euro-mullah ‘reformists’. This is not a genuine protest for a secular democracy, or for the total elimination of the Islamist regime.
The student organizations have been created, instigated, supported, and induced by Ahmadinejad's opposition within the regime: namely, the 'reformists' who are the European mullah faction like the Khatamis and Rafsnajanis of the world. The “reformists” are staging these “protests” against the Ahmadinejad regime in a bid to prepare the atmosphere in their favor in time for next year’s parliamentary “elections” in the spring. The Euro-mullahs cannot directly criticize Ahmadinejad, so they use these student organizations as their proxy.
Let’s not fool ourselves. Not every "protest" in Iran is genuinely democratic or seeks a secular democracy in Iran to replace the current Islamist-Fascist regime. Those genuine kinds of protests are just NOT HAPPENING in Iran.
So if you are happy with a return of the Euro-mullah Islamic Republic with the likes of Khatami, then believe and applaud for these "protests". If, on the other hand, you want the total and complete elimination of the current Theocracy of Turds of Tehran, then we have to think in other terms and methods to decapitate the whole of the regime.
But do not confuse these "student protests" with the real thing. These student organizations are committed to preserving the Islamist regime of Tehran minus Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. Ask any of these “protesting students”, and they will tell you that they will be perfectly happy if a Khatami, or a Rafsanjani came back to power. That is ALL they have been commissioned to do by the Euro-mullah ‘reformists’. This is not a genuine protest for a secular democracy, or for the total elimination of the Islamist regime.
The student organizations have been created, instigated, supported, and induced by Ahmadinejad's opposition within the regime: namely, the 'reformists' who are the European mullah faction like the Khatamis and Rafsnajanis of the world. The “reformists” are staging these “protests” against the Ahmadinejad regime in a bid to prepare the atmosphere in their favor in time for next year’s parliamentary “elections” in the spring. The Euro-mullahs cannot directly criticize Ahmadinejad, so they use these student organizations as their proxy.
Let’s not fool ourselves. Not every "protest" in Iran is genuinely democratic or seeks a secular democracy in Iran to replace the current Islamist-Fascist regime. Those genuine kinds of protests are just NOT HAPPENING in Iran.
So if you are happy with a return of the Euro-mullah Islamic Republic with the likes of Khatami, then believe and applaud for these "protests". If, on the other hand, you want the total and complete elimination of the current Theocracy of Turds of Tehran, then we have to think in other terms and methods to decapitate the whole of the regime.
So what was the July 9th 1999 uprising about? At that time the Euro-Mullahs were in power, no one even knew who Ahmadi-nejad was, and Khatami was the president. The protests spread to 19 cities and lasted for 6 days. The slogans they were shouting were anti the entire regime. You have to realise before a critical mass is reached, slogans and demands can not be maximums - I am talking inside Iran not outside. You need to win points step by step. During the 1979 revolution, it was months before the slogan 'death to the shah' was heard.
The nature of 1999 protests may have been different than today's mostly staged (by Khatamites and Rafsanjani factions) protests.
Unfortunately, there is now a lot of tangible evidence that the student movement in particular has been infiltrated by the Euro-faction within the Theocracy. An example is TAHKIM VAHDAT, a Euro-'reformist' organization disguised as opposition to the whole regime, which is intensely pro-Khatami, and is for the preservation of the Islamist regime, but in a non-Ahmadinejad form.
The 'reformists' have no intention of a gradual shift to a secular democracy in Iran. In fact, they are for the survival of the Islamist regime albeit with a smiley faced, gentler, kinder, European version of it.
In today's particular climate, even if the protests later evolve into slogans like "Death to the Leader", it will still play right into the hands of the Euro-mullahs who oppose the Supreme Leader, and are waiting eagerly in the wings to jump back into power with support from most of EU, and unfortunately, from some liberal Democrats in the US political elite, as well.
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