Thursday, October 18, 2007

Putin & The Price of Desperation

The price that the Islamic Republic of Terror in Iran had to pay the murderous "Polonium" Putin for his 2-bit support of Iranian nuclear weapons activities was for Iran to give HUGE concessions to Russia on the Caspian Basin legal rights and boundaries. The Iranian National Front has a declaration about this, and calls this shameful concession the worst Caspian Sea concession against Iranian interests since the Ghajar Dynasty's rule in Iran. ( an%20Sea.htm)

Such is the background to Putin, the Rouski Dictator who poisons his enemies with Polonium, officially teaming up with the Theocracy of Turds in Tehran, the murderous regime of Islamic Republic of Terror in Iran. What a truly appalling pair!

We must face the music, and prepare ourselves for the ultimate conflict that is looming ever so closer by each passing day.

We cannot run away from this battle like the state department is doing now. Bush administration's Iran policy, with appeasers like Condi Rice and Robert Gates in charge, is a total disaster so far.

The President must take things into own hands and be the "Decider" soon, or all will be lost for a very long time in Iran and the region. So far, our response to the Iranian dictatorship as well as its long time "Sugar Daddy" Russia has been very anemic and disappointing.

As such, we cannot continue to take a holiday from the history that is taking shape before our very eyes, due partly to our inaction and timid abstinence on confronting Iran and its band of gangster supporters in a serious and meaningful way.


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