Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Grand Bargain Again

I wrote about the Leveretts in my Iran blog at Check under previous posts where I referred to them as what they were: Iran Appeasers.
The fact is that the disgruntled Leveretts have personal axes to grind with the Bush administration, and yes, they also support the "grand bargain" scenario.

But Hey, we do not even have to go that far out (or down so low) to find Iran "grand bargain" advocates: Look here, our own Ms. Condi Rice is one, too. Talk about a contradictory administration pulling the Iran cart in opposite directions. No wonder nothing serious got done on Iran in 7 years under Bush.

The NIE was concocted by the same groups who are Iran "grand bargainers".

NIE was basically a political "coup" against VP Cheney's Iran policy, as well as a loud warning to the President and the VP not to even think of pursuing the military option against the Iran-Appeasers beloved Islamist-Fascist Iranian regime.

We have been nurturing the enemy in our own home.

What's more, the NIE may have succeeded in what it intended to do. It has dealt a major blow to the administration's already wobbly, ineffective, and quiet frankly very timid Iran policy.

What’s worse is what may follow, even Ahmadinejad wants to do a “grand bargain” now: He said in a speech the other day that the NIE was a “good step forward” and if the US takes 2 or 3 similar “positive steps” towards Iran, he is willing to talk deal with US and make good. Bravo State Department. Congradulations to Condi.

What is even more horrifying, and the possible next shoe to drop, could be the return of the European mullahs--a.k.a. "Reformists", like Khatami and Rafsanjani, back at the helm in Iran by spring 2008 (scheduled Majlis members elections.) If that happens, all bets are off on anything near 'regime change' being supported by EU.

In fact, after that, the only thing that could complement the return of the Euro-mullahs in Iran will be a Hussein Obama, or a Chelsea's Mama in the White House in '09 who will promptly strike a “grand bargain’ with the Islamist-Fascists regime in Tehran.

All because our President, who used to have thunder in his voice in the ‘axis of evil’ days, has given up and given in our Iran policy to Iran Appeasers like Condi Rice –(who is frankly utterly unqualified for ANY foreign policy capacity)—and has stooped to no resolve and timidity in dealing with the Iranian regime.


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